The project environment has always been a challenge, but never so much as at the current time. Today’s flatter organizations are having to work with leaner resources and shrinking costs. The “team” approach, the backbone of typical PM operations, is spreading to all types of organizations and to all kinds of work. Promoted by today’s hot philosophies (total quality management, concurrent engineering, partnering, etc.) the team concepts are eroding traditional bureaucratic modes in favor of a more ad hoc style of leadership.
Conditions are changing:
- From position power to knowledge power
- From managing by procedure to “getting the job done”
- From hierarchical control to individual empowerment
The emphasis is on shorter time cycles, and quicker response to problems and changes. The emphasis is on teamwork and shared responsibility. Even between organizations, and between vendor and client, we are moving toward “partnering.” This changes the way that we use PM software, and makes the information that is provided by PM systems essential for all stakeholders.
More organizations are adopting PM practices, bringing these special methods to enterprises that were previously considered to be outside of the “project” domain. The newer “converts” to project management hardly fit the classic description of a “project” organization. The responsibility for project success is moving to a shared effort among many disciplines, rather than being put in the hands of a project manager. And the emphasis is shifting from a single project focus to managing the efforts on multiple projects.